The FOX online workshop on Business Model Validation and Robustness Check for the economic use of innovative down-scaled and mobile food-processing units for low-temperature drying was held on May 16th from 13.00 to 16.00. The workshop was designed to be a comprehensive introduction to the FOX technology and products developed by the FOX partners located in the Central Bohemian Region (Czech Republic) and the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (Poland). The target audience consisted of professionals from diverse backgrounds, including business, engineering, and researchers, who were interested in gaining knowledge about business opportunities originating from the FOX project and participating in a constructive discussion on validation against present market dynamics and future scenarios.

The workshop comprised three sessions, which included the introduction to the FOX project, its aims and the peculiar innovations for down-scaled and mobile food processing units for low-temperature drying; an explanation and discussion of the business model canvas framework and economic opportunities, and an explanation and interactive discussion about the nature and potential effects of several future scenarios. Each session was led by experienced project practitioners who shared practical insights and interactive exercises. The online platform allowed for real-time interaction, chat-based discussions, and multimedia presentations, enabling a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

The workshop successfully achieved its objective of introducing participants to the project’s innovative approach and technological practices. Furthermore, the workshop enabled FOX partners to refine their understanding of business opportunities and their robustness against future scenarios. The positive feedback received from participants highlights the effectiveness of the workshop in delivering foundational project knowledge, as well as the opportunities and limitations of multi-stakeholder approaches to test business models for technologies which are in their earlier development.

The event was organised by KU Leuven and the Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation Research, in collaboration with DIL, the Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW), and the Food Research Institute of Prague (VUPP). A special thanks to the participants from the RUSTICA EU project.