Project Description

Agrarni komora ceske republiky (AGRO CR) (Agrarian Chamber of Czech Republic)

The Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic is a public-law body dedicated to representing and defending interests of agriculture and related sectors. The Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic associates majority of entrepreneurs in agriculture, forestry and food processing industry. It provides advisory, consultation and legal services for its members.

The Agrarian Chamber is the most important non-governmental agricultural professional organization in Czech Republic and represents interests of more than 100 000 farmers, foresters, food processers, beekeepers and many more.

The Agrarian Chamber is an important partner for municipalities and other public authorities concerned with rural space and its development. Apart from domestic activities, we are involved in major organizations which represent European farmers and other fora of international cooperation. In our opinion it is vital in contemporary united Europe for farmers to work together, share experiences and exchange opinions. We welcome any and all cooperation not only with other agricultural chambers.

Role in FOX:

  • Supporting the framework/food circle scenario analyses and the business model development
  • Supporting the implementation and monitoring of the consumer engagement activities in the Czech Food Circle region
  • Supporting the creation of the European Interest Group SSFP
  • Organise the European stakeholder workshop 3
  • Supporting the demonstration of FOX technologies
  • Supporting the overall dissemination and communication activities